.The Calculus of Risk.
shedding light into the black box of design patterns and derivatives
ENGINEERING A NEW FINANCIAL CIRCUITRY ENGINEERING A NEW FINANCIAL CIRCUITRY Patterns in the dark mines show hidden patterns within data,
revealing a dark engineered calculus inside of the little black box. Educators co-ordinate themselves for long division in front of mirrors. you have
no life you enjoy pain and
you can prove it, but you can't remember how to do long division. 'Wait Until Dark' , young bachelor of fine arts. That's how Noah built his Ark. He was
a light that waited for the dark.
the art is lost and is drifting apart. Dark Light Bright Light. Sister Dark. Sister Light. ....
Dark skies with bright lights leave astronomers in the dark stumbling around for a light.
Since the lights have gone off
and there’s no natural light,
it is REALLY dark in engineering tonight.